Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John

During this Bible study, I have realized that these four books of the Bible are truly amazing.  They are full of meaning, and they are filled with Jesus's actual words on how we should live our lives.  Spend time studying these books and taking in what Jesus said.  I have learned so much already, and I have only just started on my journey through these in-depth journeys of Jesus's time here on this earth.

Matthew 9:38  from The Message

When [Jesus] looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd.  "What a huge harvest!" he said to his disciples.  "How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!"  (Lily, I am praying that you will be one of Jesus's harvest hands to reach lost people.)

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